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Vidal, E.A.G., Shea, E.K (2022). Cephalopod ontogeny and life cycle patterns. Frontiers in Marine Science,


Ponte, G., Roumbedakis, K., COST Action FA1301, Galligioni, V., Dickel, L., Bellanger, C., Pereira J., Vidal, E.A.G., Grigoriou P., Alleva E., Santucci D., Gili C., Botta G., Imperadore P., Tarallo A., Juergens L., Northrup E., Anderson D., Aricó A., De Luca M., Pieroni EM, Fiorito, G. (2022). General and species-specific recommendations for minimal requirements for the use of cephalopods in scientific research. Laboratory Animals, 00236772221111261.


Gavioli IL, de Ortiz DO, Bersano JGF, Vidal EAG (2021). Connecting polarized light and water turbidity
with feeding rates in Octopus americanus paralarvae​
 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 2021;1–17.,
Leite TS, Vidal EAG, Lima FD, Lima SMQ, Dias RM, Giuberti GA, de Vasconcellos D, Mather JA, Haimovici M (2021).A new species of pygmy Paroctopus Naef, 1923 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae): the smallest southwestern Atlantic octopod, found in sea debris​. Marine Biodiversity 2021;51–68.,


Franco-Santos RM & Vidal EAG (2020). Tied hands - synchronism between beak development and feeding-related morphological changes in ommastrephid squid paralarvae. Hydrobiologia,
Deryckere A, Styfhals R, Vidal EAG, Almansa E, Seuntjens E (2020). A practical staging atlas to study embryonic development of Octopus vulgaris under controlled laboratory conditions. BMC Developmental Biology,
Ibáñez CM, Díaz-Santana-Iturrios M, López-Córdova DA, Carrasco SA, Pardo-Gandarillas MC, Rochas F, Vidal EAG (2020). A phylogenetic approach to understand the evolution of reproduction in
coleoid cephalopods.
 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,


Vidal EAG & Salvador B (2019). The tentacular strike behavior in squid: Functional interdependency of morphology and predatory behaviors during ontogeny. Frontiers in Physiology 10:1558. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01558


Vidal EAG, Zeidberg LD and Buskey EJ (2018). Development of Swimming Abilities in Squid Paralarvae: Behavioral and Ecological Implications for Dispersal. Front. Physiol. 9:954. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00954

Castellano, G. C., da Veiga, M. P. T., Mazzini, F. S., Vidal, E. A. G., & Freire, C. A. (2018). Paralarvae of Octopus vulgaris Type II are stenohaline conformers: relationship to field distribution and dispersal. Hydrobiologia, 808(1), 71-82.

Cyran, N., Palumbo, A., Klepal, W., Vidal, E. A. G., Staedler, Y., Schönenberger, J., & von Byern, J. (2018). The short life of the Hoyle organ of Sepia officinalis: formation, differentiation and degradation by programmed cell death. Hydrobiologia, 808(1), 35-55.


Amor, M D ; Norman, M D ; Roura, A ; Leite, T. S. ; Gleadall, IG ; Reid, A ; Perales-Raya, C ; Lu, CC ; Silvey, C ; Vidal, E A G ; Hoechberg, F ; Zheng, X ; Strugnell, LM . Morphological assessment of the Octopus vulgaris species-complex evaluated in light of molecular-based phylogenetic inferences. Zoologica Scripta, 2016.

Fernandez-Alvarez, FA, Martins, CP, Vidal, EAG ; Villanueva, R . Towards the identification of the ommastrephid squid paralarvae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda): morphological description of three species and a key to the Northeast Atlantic species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016.


Allcock, A L ; Boletzky, S V ; Bonnaud- Ponticelli, L ; Brunetti, N E ; Cazzaniga, NJ ; Hochberg, E ; Ivanovic, M ; Lipinski, M ; Marian, JEAR ; Nigmatullin, C ; Nixon, M ; Robin, JP ; Rodhouse, PGK ; Vidal, E A G . The role of female cephalopod researchers: past and present. Journal of Natural History, v. 49, p. 1235-1266, 2015.

Lenz, TM ; Elias, N .H. ; Leite, TS ; Vidal, E A G. First Description of the eggs and paralarvae of the tropical Octopus, under culture conditions. American Malacological Bulletin, v. 33, p. 101-109, 2015.


Franco-Santos, R M; Vidal, E A G. Beak development of early squid paralarvae (Cephalopoda: Teuthoidea) may reflect an adaptation to a specialized feeding mode. Hydrobiologia, v. 725, p. 85-103, 2014.

Franco-Santos, R M; Iglesias, J; Domingues, P M; Vidal, E A G . Early beak development in Argonauta nodosa and Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Incirrata) paralarvae suggests adaptation to different feeding mechanisms. Hydrobiologia, v. 725, p. 69-83, 2014.

Vidal, E A G; Boletzky, S . Loligo vulgaris and Doryteuthis opalescens. In Cephalopod Culture. 1st Ed. Netherlands: Springer Netherlands, v. 1, p. 271-313, 2014.

Vidal, E A G; Villanueva, R; Andrade, J P; Gleadall, I G; Iglesias, J; Koueta, N; Rosas, C; Segawa, S; Grasse, B; Franco-Santos, RM; Albertin, CB; Caamal-Monsreal, C; Chimal, ME; Edsinger-Gonzales, E; Gallardo, P; Le Pabic, C; Pascual, C; Roumbedakis, K; Wood, J. Cephalopod Culture. In: Vidal, E.A.G.. (Ed.). Advances in Marine Biology. Oxford, Elsevier, v. 67, p. 1-98, 2014.

Villanueva, R; Sykes, António V ; Vidal, EAG; Rosas, C; Nabhitabhata, J ; Fuentes, L; Iglesias, J. Current Status and Future Challenges in Cephalopod Culture. In: Iglesias, J; Fuentes, L; Villanueva, R. (Eds.). Cephalopod Culture. 1st Ed. Amsterdam, Springer Netherlands, v. , p. 479-489, 2014.

Xavier, JC; Allcock, AL; Cherel, Y; Lipinski, MR; Pierce, GJ; Rodhouse, PGK; Rosa, R; Shea, EK; Strugnell, JM; Vidal, EAG; Villanueva, R; Ziegler, A. Future challenges in cephalopod research. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 95: 1-17, 2014.


Vidal, E A G; Marian, J E A R ; Martins, R S . Doryteuthis sampaulensis, São Paulo Squid. In: Rosa, R, Pierce, G, Dor, R. (Org.). Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology and Fisheries. Part I - Myopsid Squids. 1ed.New York: Nova Science Publishers, v. I, p. 197-242, 2013.


Villanueva, R; Staaf, DJ ; Argüelles, J; Bozzano, A; Camarillo-Coop, S; Nigmatullin, CM; Petroni, G; Quintana, D; Sakai, M; Sakurai, Y; Salinas-Zavala, CA; De Silva-Dávila, R; Tafur, R; Yamashiro, C; Vidal, EAG. A laboratory guide to in vitro fertilization of oceanic squids. Aquaculture (Amsterdam), v. 342-343, p. 125-133, 2012.


Uriarte, I; Iglesias, J; Domingues, P; Rosas, C; Viana, MT; N, JC; Seixas, P; Vidal, EAG; Ausburger, A; Pereda, S; Godoy, F ; Paschke, K; Farías, A; Olivares, A; Zuñiga, O. Current Status and Bottle Neck of Octopod Aquaculture: The Case of American Species. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, v. 42, p. 735-752, 2011.


Martins, RS; Roberts, MJ; Vidal, EAG; Moloney, CL; Vidal, EAG. Effects of temperature on yolk utilization by chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii d'Orbigny, 1839) paralarvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, p. 19-26, 2010.

Martins, RS; Roberts, MJ; Chang, N; Verley, P; Moloney, CL; Vidal, EAG. Effect of yolk utilization on the specific gravity of chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) paralarvae: implications for dispersal on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. ICES Journal of Marine Science, p. 371-384, 2010.

Vidal, EAG; Haimovici, M; Hackbart, VCS. Distribution of paralarvae and small juvenile cephalopods in relation to primary production in an upwelling area off southern Brazil. ICES Journal of Marine Science, v. 67, p. 120-127, 2010.



Vidal, E A G; Dimarco, P ; Lee, P . Effects of starvation and recovery on the survival, growth and RNA:DNA ratio in loliginid squid paralarvae. Aquaculture (Amsterdam), v. 260, p. 94-105, 2006.


Vidal, E A G; Roberts, M J ; Martins, R S . Yolk utilization, metabolism and growth in reared Loligo vulgaris reynaudii paralarvae. Aquatic Living Resources, France, v. 18, p. 385-393, 2005.


Vidal, E A G; Dimarco, P F ; Wormuth, J H ; Lee, P G . Influence of temperature and food availability on survival, growth and yolk utilization in hatchling squid. Bulletin of Marine Science, United States of America, v. 71, n.2, p. 915-931, 2002.

Vidal, E A G; DiMarco, F ; Wormuth,  J H ; Lee, P G. Optimizing rearing conditions of hatchling loliginid squid. Marine Biology (Berlin), Berlin- Germany, v. 140, p. 117-127, 2002.


Vidal, E A G; HaimoviciA, M . Digestive tract parasites from rhynchoteuthion squid paralarvae, especially Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Fishery Bulletin (Washington), United States of America, v. 97, n.2, p. 402-405, 1999.


Vidal, E A G; Haimovici, M . Feeding and the possible role of the proboscis and mucus cover in the ingestion of microorganisms by rhynchoteuthion paralarvae (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae). Bulletin of Marine Science, United States of America, v. 63, n.2, p. 305-316, 1998.


Haimovici, M ; Vidal, E A G ; Perez, J A A . Larvae of Illex argentinus from five surveys on the continental shelf of southern Brasil. ICES Marine Science Symposium, Canada, v. 199, p. 414-424, 1995.

Vidal, E A G. Relative growth of paralarvae and juveniles of Illex argentinus (Castellanos, 1960) in southern Brazil. Antarctic Science (Print), England, v. 6, n.2, p. 275-282, 1994.


© 2018 Lorena Nascimento e Cephalopod early life stages laboratory

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